Customizable design & layouts

If you are looking for a beautiful simplicity and powerful professional functionality at the same time, Sidious is exactly for you.

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Top-notch support

Our wonderful customers receive exclusive ongoing support. We truly admire your choice of Sidious and would like to make your interaction with us even more enjoyable.

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Unlimited opportunities

Once you harness the power of Sidious you will never go back to another theme. Sidious will change your view of what the perfect website should be!

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Some title here

Suspendisse eget tincidunt odio. Donec sagittis eu dui sit amet suscipit. Aenean iaculis sagittis vulputate. Donec bibendum sit amet lectus in sagittis.

  • Fully Responsive
    Our fully responsive theme allows you to make your website really good-looking on wide range of devices from your smartphones to wide-screen desktop monitors. So you will be able to read and navigate easily with a minimum of resizing and scrolling.
  • Awesome Sliders
    Are you wishing to grab the eyeballs of every visitors of your site? Black Sea theme has awesome sliders that will give the most exciting design and dynamism to your websites. These sliders will handle the images and content in the best manner possible.
  • Unlimited Color Options
    Black Sea theme includes color picker in the theme options, so you can change the colors of the elements and the content. You can change the light and dark skins for some blocks. Just select the color picker and pick a new color. It is so easy! You can also insert a hex or rgb number to the certain fields.
  • Great Updates and Support
    Our Customer Support team is ready to help. We'll do our best to respond within 24 hours. We try to care about our customers and their websites. Our kindly support team work with our customers in order to deliver the services that best fit their needs. We are constantly updating our theme with modern features requested by users as well.
  • Custom Widgets
    We've included a huge number of custom widgets for you to make your website even more attractive. Just drag and drop to activate the necessary widget and customize it in any way you like. Archives, Calendar, RSS, Search, Tag Cloud, Categories, Latest Tweets, Recent Tweets and much more!

Video example inside row

Put your favourite videos inside row and decorate your website.

Nunc quis nunc velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at commodo nisi. Maecenas interdum ipsum turpis, id ultricies ligula suscipit ut. Nam viverra ultrices hendrerit. Donec ut faucibus dolor. Aliquam blandit facilisis posuere. Nullam ut risus eget nibh tempus commodo.   



Some title here


few words about dfdevelopment and it's best template projects

We are working for our lucky purchasers, as they receive the best service ever.

Phasellus tortor erat, ornare dictum ante in, gravida consectetur libero. Fusce dignissim porta nunc sit amet vestibulum. Cras quis consequat urna. Phasellus non aliquam odio, at adipiscing metus. Phasellus imperdiet leo vitae metus luctus, at dignissim ligula ultricies.
Fusce arcu libero, blandit et bibendum non, scelerisque ut neque. Duis in sem id augue molestie aliquet et sit amet est. Integer interdum egestas molestie. Duis ornare, massa et facilisis varius, nisl dolor dignissim sem, eget commodo nulla diam condimentum tortor. Nullam eget tellus eget sapien dictum bibendum ac eu odio.
Finished projects
Imagine our abilities
Processing projects
Extensive development
Best projects
Significant achievements
Level of confidence

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet lobortis nibh. Proin eleifend sapien sed eros iaculis auctor. Nullam euismod nisl ac sodales tincidunt. Donec lacus dui, tincidunt nec consectetur rutrum, semper a libero. Mauris gravida nisl et odio adipiscing, tristique lobortis leo vestibulum. Phasellus et risus in justo rhoncus bibendum. Suspendisse in mauris at diam cursus pharetra. Donec arcu justo, viverra vitae nisl at, volutpat feugiat orci. Sed luctus congue enim sit amet gravida. Ut eu commodo magna. Cras et tincidunt nibh, nec laoreet velit.

Say some words about DFD

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque ac erat ut nisi posuere vehicula.

  • Tu tens un somni
    Ellie Golding

    Phasellus tortor erat, ornare dictum ante in, gravida consectetur libero. Fusce dignissim porta nunc sit amet vestibulum. Cras quis consequat urna. Phasellus non aliquam odio, at adipiscing metus.Phasellus tortor erat, ornare dictum ante in, gravida consectetur libero. Fusce dignissim porta nunc sit amet vestibulum. Cras quis consequat urna. Phasellus non aliquam odio, at adipiscing metus.

Woocommerce shop - create your stylish e-commerce shops

We've included Woocommerce plugin that will help you to create online shops and sell products successfully

Unlimited Colors & Skins
Color schemes and styles

Black Sea theme allows you to play with colors and styles to make the atmosphere of your site unique in few clicks!

Amazing Revolution Slider
Incredible opportunities

This amazing theme includes Revolution Slider WordPress plugin. Fully responsive slider for unforgettable view of your slides.

Usable admin panel
Easy administration

Black Sea theme has very comfy and beginners friendly admin panel. You will have no problem with theme customization.

Touch Friendly
Awesome sensitivity

Black Sea theme is extremely touch friendly for wide range of touch devices. Just use and check it out!

Remarkable Sidebars
Embody your ideas

Unlimited sidebars are indispensable feature to create numerous sidebars and assign them to posts, pages or templates.

600+ Google fonts & bbPress
Excellent additions

600+ Google fonts - just use different font styles in your website. Setup discussion forums inside your site with bbPress.